Things got pretty interesting once we made it to Paris... We weren't quite sure how to find the subway and then once we stumbled upon it we had no clue which rail to take to get our place outside of the city. The language barrier made things a lot more complicated. We ended up figuring it out, getting on all the right subways, and making it to our place safely. What a relief!
That night we walked around the town we are staying in called Champigny. We also had dinner and then solidified our plans for the next few days! Can't wait to explore more of Paris!
Backpacking through Paris!
To wrap up the London part of our trip I wanted to write about a few things that were different compared to the states!
Different words on signs:
America --> London, England
Exit --> way out
Restroom --> toilets
Take out food --> take away
Subway --> the underground
(I'm sure there are so many more... I just can't think of them right now.)
Other notable differences:
- people driving on the left side of the road
- drivers on the right side of the car
- getting used to saying pents and not cents
- holding the fork pointing down
- walking on the left side of the sidewalk (so hard to remember!)
- crazy drivers and even crazier pedestrians crossing the street whenever they want
- precious little cars that look old fashion
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