We started the day by going to see the Tower of London. This place is packed full of history!! We went to a building called The Crown of Jewels where they have old crowns, swords, and clothing decked out in amazing jewelry! The other area we focused on had many of the past king's armor! I was really surprised at how short many of them were! There were also cool cannons and firearms in this section of the tour.
The Tower Bridge
After seeing the Tower of London we went on the City Cruise boat ride down the river over to Westminster Abby! The boat cruise was great and we enjoyed our own little picnic along the way.
Westminster Abby was incredible!! This is a church where they do normal everyday worships, along with corrinations of the kings and queens. A LOT of royalty has been buried there as well. They give people little radio things that talk as you go to each section of the place. It was really interesting! I was mostly impressed with how old everything is!! I remember them saying that the tiles on the ground where people are corrinated is from the 1200's!!!!! Isn't that crazy?! That blew my mind! The building was gorgeous on the inside and out. The stain glass was amazing, as well as all of the statues on the inside. Unfortunately we weren't allowed to take pictures of the inside, but trust me, it was beautiful and worth seeing if you are in the neighborhood!

Shakesphere's Globe Theatre Gallery Tour
To end the night off right we went and saw the musical WICKED in theatre!! It was incredible and I think I can say that it's my favorite musical that I've seen. (Les Miserables comes super close though). Alex and I were like giddy little kids because of how excited we were to see this! I had seen it before, but loved it even more the 2nd time. It was fun hearing it with a British accent too! "Doncing through life..." All the a's turned to o's, even in the singing. Pretty funny! That was the only difference I noticed from seeing it in Arizona compared to London! Such an amazing experience! :)
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