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13 November 2010


Yes, I am still alive! These past few months have been CRAZY!! (no exaggeration.) I have had some amazing "ups" and some interesting "downs" along the way... but overall life is great and I love it! Sorry I've been slacking on the blog updates! I will now take you on a fast tour of the random things that have taken place so far this semester... It has been quite an adventure!
Noelle & Andrew's wedding!!

Lamb of God performance: Amazing music and friends!
Jumpstreet with Jon: This motivated me to learn how to do a legit flip on the trampoline. As of right now I'll I am capable of doing is a front flip, landing on my butt or knees. Annoying! Jon was flipping around like a crazy monkey! I was just a little bit jealous.

 Just chillin' at the institute. (A.k.a. my 2nd home)
Ping Pong Tournament: Allison, Jon, and I are on the "Feeding the Sheep" comittee for the Tempe Institute council and we hosted a ping pong tournament!
Here we are having a craft night making awesome trophies for the winners!

Of course I had to participate! lol! To the right would be the head ponchos of this activity! 

Group Date: Jenn + Jon + Lexi + Alex + thrift store + Chuck E. Cheese= A GREAT TIME!!

My first visit to the Secret Garden at ASU with one of my best friends, Kelsey! :)
Reunion: Jeevan and I went to visit an old friend, Sicily, and her new baby! Her family is SO cute and it was exciting to see her after a couple of years!
Cassie's bachelorette party!!
(On the left) you can see I'm a rebel with my bull-like nose piercing. haha! 
(Onthe Right) Noelle Gazelle and Jenn Henn reunite!

 Our pyramid tradition! Always a good time with these ladies! :)

Why am I grateful for the Speech and Hearing Science major?? BECAUSE I was able to meet these wonderful ladies and we were all able to become bestest friends! They are absolutely incredible and such amazing examples. (Thanks Kelsey and Jessica for all of our wonderful times together!)

 Kelsey, Jessica, Jenn

Hiking with Grant!

Dinner Date: Good times with Jeevan and Vini! It was a wonderful surprise to all coincidentally be matching! haha! (I love our oreo formation!)

 The Goofy Gang: Chris' girl friend, Liz, came to visit him from ID and it was so fun to get to know her and fave a grand ol' time! Here are some of the pictures that may prove we are a little crazy.

 Jenn, Danny, Liz, Chris

Cassie and Marv's WEDDING!!!
October 16, 2010
I can't believe my little Cassie is all grown up and MARRIED!! I am so happy for her and Marv and I know they will have a great life together! They are such cute couple!!
I had the honor of being a brides maid! 

Camping at Superior for Noor's b-day!

For Noor's actual b-day...
We tried to do this anonymously and somehow he found out it was us, sad day. lol. That's why these pictures can be shown. Jessica and I love doing random things for people, thus many pictures cannot be posted and will never be shown to the public eye. Muahaha!

Multi- stake camp out/ service project at Camp La Mia!
This brought some good memories from girls camp! lol

 "Sisters of Zion"

Lex and I had legit costumes, not gonna lie! We had a great time taking Anna around trick or treating and an even better time at the Family Home Evening dance for our stake! Great times!!

What was funny is that I had a TON of people ask me if this was my real hair! hahaha! I WISH! Ok, not really... that would be cool for one day and then would get REALLY annoying. I will treasure that wig forever! Let me tell you... an afro makes everything 100 x more fun!

Weirdos: This picture can sum up all of the weird and random things Jessica and I do... along with all of the free stuff we receive from the College Times booth on a consistent basis! I have a good eye for freebies on campus!

 Picnic Time: Kelsey and I having a lovely picnic in the secret garden! 

 Just out for a late night picnic along with some fake fishing.
This is probably the closest thing to fishing I have ever done, so I was excited! One of these days I'm going to go real fishing with a hook and everything! haha! Btw, Kevin was a good sport about wearing the outfit I brought for him... I'm pretty sure he fell in love with it and didn't even want to take it off! Can you blame him?!

Well that basically gets me all caught up with life! Of course that's not everything, but those are the highlights over the past few months! 
I love all of my friends and family! I am glad Lex and I have been able to share many of our adventures together now that she's at ASU. We can ALWAYS have a great time together and it's really funny how similar we are! I'll try to be a more faithful blogger, but life is busy and insane! School is driving me nuts and when I'm not out doing these fun things you get to witness I am getting consumed by school work and studying! Love it! haha! I love my job and my callings in the church. I am on the institute council and am now the Family Home Evening Co-chair! Although this will keep me especially busy... I am very excited and am up for the challenge! 

Peace out homies!! ;)


  1. Yay yay! You're so good at this junk. You should seriously show me how you do everything hhaha! But this was super cute and I enjoyed it! :)

  2. Decorating birthday cars is the best!! Thanks for letting me help with the last one.

  3. Thanks guys!
    And Rhonda, you are welcome to help anytime! You are a pro car decorator! lol

  4. This makes me miss you so much!! BTW, I love that you know someone that dressed as Antoine Dodson for Halloween! One of my friends did a skit of it for Mr. USU. I wish I had documentation of it!
