Trip to Flagstaff:
Partners In Crime Unite!
(Elise & Jenn)
We had such a fun weekend together and crammed as much as we could within the 3 days I was there visiting! It was so nice to get away for the weekend and catch up with my best buddy! :)
To keep up with tradition we had to play some tennis! I'm so glad I was able to convince her to play tennis with me in high school our junior and senior year! She improved so much and is an awesome player! She almost beat me and I've probably been playing more than her recently too. That's just shows you how awesome she is. She is pretty much good at anything she puts her mind to.
Then we went to play in the water in Sedona! It was so pretty, but the water was freezing! We still had a great time cliff jumping and hanging out in the beautiful weather! Near the cliff jumping spot Elise and I had some fellas hitting on us who had missing teeth... mmm, my favorite! We felt pretty cool and were flattered, of course. Since I was dating somebody at the time it just didn't work out and to help Elise
avoid an awkward situation I told the other guy that she was
pretty much dating somebody so it wouldn't be a good idea for
me to give them her number (since he was too chicken to talk
to her himself). haha. They were nice though!
Mario Party 2 Competition!
VERY INTENSE! Don't mess with the professionals! haha

For a long time we were both bragging about our Mario Party 2 skills and we made sure that when we got together we were going to have a show down. To be honest, I think we are pretty closely matched. When it was time to go back home to Tempe, we were at a tie. (When we played Mario Kart I'm pretty sure I won though. That's beside the point because we weren't bragging about that.) Mario Kart is an awesome game that brings family and friends closer together. I'm sure my family and Elise can testify of that. If you haven't played you might want to check into that, just sayin.
This pretty much sums us up! :) |
As you can tell, Elise and I had a great time together and I'm so glad we made this trip happen before the stresses of school and work began. I am very happy we have been able to remain great friends with the distance that college has put between us. I love looking back to our high school days and saying, "WOW, Look at where we are now and everything we have accomplished!" She is truly an awesome person and a great example.
I am so happy my friend Riki is now a fellow Sun Devil! Unfortunately, she is going to ASU's West campus... but I'm glad we got to hang out when she came to visit the Tempe campus to buy a book! lol
Sometimes Jeevan and I like to do random things together... and this night we made some b-day decorations for a friend. It was definitely my type of craft... nice and easy! :) The colors of my pom-pom thing turned out kind of ugly, so don't judge. lol
<<< Chillin' at the park!
I had the fun opportunity to watch my sister, Anna, for a week. When she was behaving and being nice we had a great time! This park experience was pretty funny because she was totally hitting on some 8 year old kid! She stole my camera and was taking pictures of him and kept talking to him! It was hilarious! I never knew she was such a flirt! Overall she is a cool kiddo... just like her big sister. haha!
This is the ward volleyball team that competed during the summer! This was such a fun group of people to play with and overall we did pretty well! Our Monday night practices and Tuesday v-ball games definitely kept me entertained over the summer! I will miss it!
I'm so glad you realize I am cool!! You said Anna is a cool kiddo just like her older sister.. that's me right?