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03 June 2010

red head?!

Thanks to the lady who messed up my hair... I am now basically a Red Head

[AKA: Carrot top, Annie, copper head, trusty rusty, flame brain, big/ little red, Ronald McDonald, and I'm sure there are many more where that came from.]

I don't get why people pick on red heads so much! It could be so easy to make fun of any other color, but I've never been called poop head or dirty haired girl. Well actually, I take that back... my 5 year old sister has called me poop head, but not because of my normal hair color. At her age that's one of the best insults she can come up with! haha

Don't get me wrong, I love redheads and some of my favorite people are red headed... BUT when you are a dark, brunette your whole life this can be a big change! Some days I feel like the die has seeped into my brain and is making me go crazy! haha. Ok, maybe I'm over exaggerating a little bit.

The simple and innocent carmel highlights I asked for got messed up and the new red do I have has turned me into (what looks like) a wild child! Change is good though, right? I'm slowly getting used to it... the top of my head is way more red/ orange than the rest of my hair and it is way noticeable in the sun and other brightly lighted settings. Oh well, who cares if "it will cost [me] a few dates," my sister, Lexi, said "jokingly". LOL!

Well here are some pictures...

Straightened hair                         Curly hair
And yes, that is the same person! lol. You don't get to see the straightened hair very often because it is such a pain to straighten and then to keep up. Weird enough, but the curly locks are much easier to maintain than the straight ones.

I've always wanted to be more like my redheaded.. I mean "strawberry blonde" sister, Alex, and so this is one small step towards that goal! :) 
I love you Alexandria Claire Jones!
Now you just need to add some brown to your hair and we can be twins!


  1. I still stand by the fact that I like it :) But then again I am one of them red heads. . .

  2. Awwww! Jenny, you're too kind. I love you too! I would add brown to my hair, but I have blonde currently, and I think you look sassy as a redhead! Tannest redhead I've ever seen.


  3. I think it looks great! Love it!

  4. Thanks ladies! You guys are too nice! :)

  5. Lol it isnt bad in the pictures...... ... .... hahah I'm kidding. It has gotten better in general.
