I'm still trying to unpack my things that I brought over from the dorm, it is quite a pain considering I don't know where to put anything. By the time I finish that project it will be time to move back to Tempe for school.
I went swimming for the first time this summer in my pool earlier on this week! It was nice! Then my friends Elise and Spencer came over and we had our traditional pool basketball game... Elise and I versus Spencer. (It's completely fair.) This is the 4th summer in a row that we have carried on this tradition. By the way, the girls won! haha!
<--This is Lexi (my 16 year old sister) and myself jamming out! I'm playing the harmonica and Lex is singing along! Wonderful combination!Aaron gave me a harmonica not too long ago, so I'll be practicing that over the summer.
- -I am leaving to Cedar City tomorrow! I can't wait to hang out with the family again! It has been 6 months since we have visited the family!
These are a couple picture that my friends and I took together! We are going to send some out to all of our friends that are on missions for our church all around the world, just to let them know we're thinking about them! These are some great ladies! 

hey! cool blog. I noticed you had one from your facebook profile. I love blogging. it's kind of fun! I hope you don't mind if I check yours out from time to time. you can read mine too, if you want. I don't have many secrets . . . ha ha.