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23 April 2011


Well, I guess I'll apologize for how much time I've let slip by! The past couple months have been pretty busy... BUT I have some fun things to update you all on! Here are some of the highlights from March and April divided into the following categories...
1. Disneyland     2. Service     3. Fun outings     4. Randomness


 For spring break I got to visit the "Happiest Place on Earth!" The girls in my family got to escape the real world for a few days and bask in the wonderfulness of Disneyland. I love the environment there! Everything is so happy and carefree. I wish fun music always played in the streets in real life with performers, great singers, and Disney characters roaming around. As my six year old sister wisely exclaimed, "It's so MAGICAL!!" 

If I could make a living from just doing service projects all of the time I definitely would! I seriously love it!! Here are a couple of the bigger projects I've been apart of lately. With one of the projects we cleaned up a play area at a daycare by painting the wall and digging out a TON of sand from their sand pit. For Devils in Disguise, a campus-wide service project, we painted citrus trees around ASU.  I think pyramid pictures are incredibly fun and so consequentially whoever serves with me gets to participate in one! It's tradition!

                                        Friends from institute!

Painting citrus trees for Devils in Disguise!
                               Lex and I!


 Spring training baseball games!

 3-armed bowling! We had team shirts that we made and mine and Mark's are awesome!
The front of the shirt says: Can't believe it's not gutter.
The back says: King Pin/ Queen Pin. 
Just so ya know, we won! haha. Good times!

Day trip to Sedona! 
We went on an really pretty hike and had an awesome time! I love Sedona!
(Daniel, Lex, Jenn, Jared)


Peoria friends! I'm so glad I have awesome friends that I can always count on! Here's a group of us at a drive-in movie! I love it when we can all get together and it's as if we have never been apart. Fun times! P.s. Riki and Elise are engaged now!! :)

CRAFT NIGHT!! This is what Lex and I do when we purposefully make plans to not have plans on a Friday night. Our special guest of the night was Caldwell! What a good sport to paint face masks with us! Our collection of masks is growing beautifully... can't wait for the big skit we will eventually be hosting! :)

Date with Kelsey! This semester I have deprived of my Kelsey time. I'm so glad we were able to get together and catch up! She such a nice, positive, and happy person! Plus she is gorgeous!!

Family time! Daniel invited us to a really neat dinner with many different religions who came together for the sake of The Golden Rule. It was really cool to hear the music, prayers and  thoughts from other religions. Our "family" always has a grand time together!

And there you have it, that about sums up my life lately! Between all of these activities I consume my life with school, church callings, homework, tennis, working out, and more school. 
By the way, EASTER is tomorrow! YAY! 

Here's a simple and powerful video in remembrance of 
our Savior, Jesus Christ, during this Easter season.