Tomorrow is Lexi's 17th b-day!! Lex if you read this, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! We have spent basically our ENTIRE lives together! Before I left for college we had only parted for a maximum of a couple weeks at a time. CRAZY! We have done so much together and have SO MANY fun memories over the years. For the most part, we get a long really well and I am glad to call her one of my best friends. She is a very kind and loving person who gets along with just about anybody. I want her to know how much I love her and that I will always be there for her! Lucky for her we are stuck together FOORRREEEVVVEEERRR... Muahahaha! Here are some pictures of Lex and I as we grew up together over the years! Enjoy! And no making fun...
Lex: 5 yrs old, Jenn: 7 yrs old
Skip a few years...
Middle school dance

(skipping past the scary days)
- Christmas 2007- Mine and Lexi's "band" went carroling around to neighbors, friends, and church member's houses playing the flute and guitar. People sure got a kick out of that! Good times...
Jones doubles team= DOMINATION!!